Thursday, January 17, 2013

On The Brink...of eating a cupcake!

Ugh, why am I finding it so hard to eat better.  I know what I should and shouldn't be eating...I know what is healthy.  It seems the older I get the less willpower I have!  Last year I blogged about being in my 40's and all the changes that come with it (good & bad).  After yet another birthday in December and a weigh-in at my last check-up...eek, ugh, omg!!!
So today is the day...(although I said that last week, but this time, really, it is ;)
Here is how the day went....
Breakfast - plain greek yogurt w/blueberries & coffee (with cream, oops)
Dropped the kids off at school and went to Wholefoods for inspiration.
On the ride home from the market I had a "Think Thin" bar (Caramel)  I was really trying to think thin and not think about bagels, donuts and greasy egg sandwiches.
Lunch - kale, spinach, avocado salad, I texted a picture to my friend, saying "I hope I don't puke" and if it wasn't for the little bit of dressing, Brianna's Lemon Tarragon, I think I would've at least gagged.  Just a little side note, my sister-in-law Sheila introduced me to this dressing, I am obsessed with it, not only is it so good on salads, I marinate my chicken in it too, thanks Sheila!
It honestly wasn't bad, I do love avocado and it is filling...raw kale and spinach not so much, but I did eat it!
Then I started thinking about sweets...cupcakes...yummy cupcakes with sugary frosting!  Maybe I'll make some with the kids after school...humm....
To try to get my mind off cupcakes...I had a cup of herbal tea with licorice root, licorice root is suppose to help with sweet cravings. 
 This tea is really good.  Not as good as a cupcake but it did take my mind off it for a little while.
When the kids got home from school, I said let's make cupcakes, I mean smoothies!  They love smoothies so I made each of them their specific smoothie and then I made one for me.
Frozen blueberries, rice milk and chia seeds (let the Chia seeds soak in water for like 10 minutes) in the blender.  Cha cha cha chia seeds have omega 3's, fiber and other healthy benefits.  This really helped my sweet tooth!
OK at this point, I'm starving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dinner - plain turkey burger and roasted asparagus - I know, you are all jealous.
And instead of a glass of wine, I am going to have this tea...
OK, who's sh**ing who here...
just a little glass...cheers!
...and for eating healthy and workouts check out my friend, "celebrity trainer" Jon Paul's blog It's informative and very funny.  One of Jon Paul's quotes that keeps coming to mind is "You might even feel a little bit hungry when you go to bed. It’s okay. You’re not going to die."   LOL